Removable and reusable insulation covers

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  • Time: 2020-10-29 15:57

HANTAI® Insulation Shields offers custom fabricated removable and reusable insulation jackets, blankets or pads designed for specific equipment and hoses which require extra heat or molten splash protection while conserve energy.
It’s typically combined by HANTAI® silicone or aluminium coated fiberglass fabric and internal insulation materials (such as aerogel / fiberglass / silica / ceramic mat and stainless steel mesh, etc.) to create custom removable insulation covers for the most demanding environments, able to achieve heat resistance up to 1650°C.
HANTAI® always uses Non-Asbestos materials, which is completely healthy and pollution-free.

Removable and reusable insulation covers
Removable and reusable insulation covers
Removable and reusable insulation covers
Removable and reusable insulation covers
Removable and reusable insulation covers



Tel: 0086(0)563 4034597


Add: No.6 Xingsheng Road, Heli Industrial Zone, Ningguo, Anhui, China 242300

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